I thought I’d post some thoughts today on legal marketing
for smaller law firms and the sole practitioner. Obviously, in terms of
marketing, the biggest difference between smaller firms and their larger
brethren is the depth of resources they can apply to the marketing function. It
is foolish to think that such practices will be able to “out shout” their
competitors. Hence, they must think smarter and utilize whatever resources they
do have more wisely.
Part of thinking smarter means ignoring the temptation to be
just another fish in a large pond and instead turning into the proverbial large
fish in a smaller pond. And that “pond” can be the geographical area the
practice targets, the type of individuals or businesses the practice seeks to
reach, the sub-segment or niche in which it seeks to make its mark.
Some examples…
By geo-optimizing its SEO and pay-per-click efforts, a small
family law firm can be ranked high up on the online directories within that
area closest to its office. There’s no need to reach out across a large
metropolis to seek business among people who will never see the listing and
even if they did, would probably not venture miles away from where they live.
A small personal injury practice might recognize that it
would be foolish to take on the “big boys” with a television campaign. But it
could carve out a niche among new and young drivers by a) launching a social
media effort towards high school and college students, b) running ads on highly
targeted cable networks (e.g., MTV, VH1, Spike) or c) implementing an outreach
program or special event for high schools/colleges in which students are
rewarded for safe driving or participating in a contest on driving tips, etc.
By thinking vertically, a B2B law practice focusing on a
specific industry can become the player
in a given market. Every individual and every business inevitably considers
itself to be unique. By highlighting its experience in transactions for, say,
the retail industry, the small firm can become the “go to” practice. It doesn’t
really matter if other firms might be just as capable. The mere fact that
experience in transactional matters for retailers is conveyed through the firm
web site, social media pages, collateral materials can convince potential
prospects that you understand their language. Want to get even more specific.
That same firm might consider becoming the perceived guru on matters pertaining
to retail restaurants.
Solo practitioners and smaller practices should not grouse
about the unlevel playing field on which they compete. Nor, in frustration,
should they ignore the marketing function altogether. Instead, they should
recognize that they can be highly successful by leveraging their resources
against tighter definitions of geography, target prospects and/or area of
Nice blog!! I am incredibly impressed with the latest blogs. Thanks
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Your blogs are totally worth giving time and energy.
Great post! It is so important that social media marketing for lawyers is taken advantage of, especially in small firms.
What great information. We have been doing research on legal marketing and how we are to treat them as a client. Your post was very informative and helpful. Thanks so much for sharing.
You pointed out some great points! Small marketing firms can benefit from using social media tools to build relationships. It's very crucial that small Law Firm Marketing focuses on a niche for their practices while gaining credibility with those who share similar interests as well.
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